Come Up with a Motto

This morning one of my nieces asked for input on her logo. Businesses use logos to identify their brand or their image. It started me thinking about the need for personal logos, which would be mottos.

A motto is defined as a short sentence or phrase that summarizes the beliefs or ideals that guide you, your family, or an institution. Someone may simply call them, “words to live by.” Businesses call them slogans in that they are meant to be readily recognizable and motivational. Here are a few you likely have heard before:

  • We try harder
  • Yes, we can
  • Like a good neighbor, – is there
  • You’re in good hands
  • When you care enough to send the very best

As a caregiver, you are operating out of a belief system that you may not even have put much thought to. You are naturally providing the care and nurturing that is needed for a loved one or a friend without stopping to think why. Your caregiving is a gift that you are giving to someone else as often as they need to receive it. It may be worth your time to consider why you do it. Once you’ve done that, try putting these words you live by into a concise statement that identifies who you are and why you do what you do. You will find that your motto can become a source of encouragement for the times when caregiving becomes hard and you feel like giving up. You can say it to yourself, make it into a sign you see daily, or even shout it out loud when you need to… and it will be just the motivation you need to keep going. 

🙋Your Turn- Feel free to share the motto you created by replying in this space. 

Published by Ardella

I am a retired educator and a Christian Education director. My passion is teaching and writing. My book, Learning to Love Olivia, chronicles my journey in caring for my mother during her season with Alzheimer's.

2 thoughts on “Come Up with a Motto

  1. Hello Ardella! Another beautiful post. Personally, if I had a motto that explained why I extend myself to others, it would be summed up in these three words: “Because I care.”


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